Product Schema for Blogs, Article and News Websites

With the article schema type, you can add structured markups for a news, blog or article page that can enhance the appearance in search results.


What Is the Product Schema ?

The Article schema type is for websites that host blog posts, news articles and more. It keeps search engines informed about the article type, the publisher and author name, and much more so it can be displayed in rich snippets.Search engines further can display this information as a part of rich snippets so you can outperform your competitors in search results.This schema type also helps users get an overview of your articles that gives them an idea and grabs more attention than the others.

JSON-LD Schema Code

How to Add Product Schema?

Here’s how you can implement a product schema on your website in three easy steps with zero coding skills.

Adding product schema to your website can help search engines understand and display your product information more effectively in search results. Product schema is a type of structured data markup that uses vocabulary to provide detailed information about your products. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to add product schema to your website:

  1. Understand Schema Markup: Familiarize yourself with schema markup and the specific vocabulary for products. This will help you understand the properties and attributes you need to include in your markup.
  2. Choose a Method: There are several ways to add schema markup to your website:
    • JSON-LD: This is the recommended method. You can include a JSON-LD script directly in the HTML of your product pages.
    • Microdata: You can embed microdata directly into the HTML of your product pages.
    • RDFa: You can use RDFa attributes in your HTML to add schema markup.
    JSON-LD is the easiest and most widely used method. It involves adding a script with structured data in a JSON format.
  3. Gather Product Information: Collect all the necessary information about your products that you want to include in the schema markup. This may include the product name, description, price, availability, image, brand, SKU, and more.
  4. Create JSON-LD Markup: Assuming you’re using JSON-LD, you’ll need to create a script with your structured data.
  5. Insert JSON-LD Script: Paste the JSON-LD script into the <head> section of the HTML code of your product page. Make sure to replace the placeholders with actual data for your products.
  6. Test Your Markup: Before deploying your changes, use Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool ( to validate your schema markup. This will help you identify any errors or issues.
  7. Deploy and Monitor: Once you’re confident that your schema markup is correct, update your website’s code with the new JSON-LD script. After making the changes, monitor how your product pages are displayed in search results over time.
  8. Other Platforms: If you’re using a content management system (CMS) like WordPress, there might be plugins available that simplify the process of adding schema markup. These plugins often generate the required markup for you.

Remember that search engines may take time to process and reflect the changes in search results. Adding schema markup enhances the chances of your product information being displayed prominently, but it’s not a guarantee of immediate changes.

Make Sure Your Articles and Blogs Get Enough Attention Through Search Results

You can give users an overview of your article with the featured image, modified date and more to grab attention and boost CTR.

Display the dates with your article was published or last modified

Dates often tell when an article or blog was published. It’s a common tendency to read articles and posts that are recently written or updated. By displaying the last modified date, you can increase your chances of getting more clicks.

Let your rich snippet give an overview of what the article is about

Information like the headline, the URL, featured image, and type of the article will tell users what your article is all about. With a clear and concise wedding and article type, readers know what to expect and can click in to know more.

Let your readers know whom the article is coming from

A lot of readers are more concerned about the authors and the publishers an article is coming from. It is always a great idea to display their names especially when the author is an industry expert or your readers are a fan already.

More specific Types

  • IndividualProduct
  • ProductCollection
  • ProductGroup
  • ProductModel
  • SomeProducts
  • Vehicle

Select Schema Type

Click on the Article schema type from the Instant Schema interface.

Enter Details

Select details of the posts or page where you want to implement it.

Verify and Publish

Verify or modify the automatically mapped fields and publish.